At the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) on Nov 3rd, three papers on modular self-reconfigurable robots by Professor Tin Lun Lam were included in the IROS 2020. One of them was awarded the Best Paper Award on Robot Mechanisms and Design, a new category set up this year. CUHK-Shenzhen also became the first university in the Chinese mainland to win the IROS Award for Best Paper in the past decade.
As noted, the first authors of the three papers accepted by the conference are all Ph.D. students of CUHK-Shenzhen, all with Prof. Tin Lun Lam as the corresponding author. The team’s findings on modular self-reconfigurable robots were also featured by IEEE Spectrum, the flagship publication of IEEE.
About IROS
Affected by the COVID-19, ICRA (International Conference on Robotics and Automation), which was supposed to be held in Paris, was recently held online. A new solar tracker driven by waves: from idea to implementation is published at ICRA, the first author of this paper, Xu Ruoyu, is a second-year PhD student of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). His supervisor is Qian Huihuan, assistant professor of SSE of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) and vice president of AIRS (Shenzhen Institute of artificial intelligence and robotics).
Recently, Professor Tin Lun Lam has been selected as a senior member of IEEE through strict evaluation and selection. IEEE fully affirmed his achievements in the field of robotics, and highly recognized his deep knowledge reserve, solid scientific research ability and the spirit of hard research in related fields.
Recently, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and biomimetics (ROBIO) announced the employment of papers in 2019, of which six papers’ first author, one paper’s coordinate first author are undergraduates from RAIL.
ZHOU Ligang, Ph.D. student and TAN Xinyang, undergraduate (Advisors: Prof. XU Yangsheng and Prof. LAM Tin Lun), defeated many international teams in the Lifelong Robotic Vision Challenge competition of international top robot conference IROS, and won the finalist award. Other teams are from MIT, Imperial College, Tsinghua University, Hong Kong University of science and technology, Peking University and other famous universities.
香港中文大学(深圳)机器人与智能制造国家地方联合工程实验室、深圳市机器人与智能制造工程实验室已获得相关部门的支持建设,并成立香港中文大学(深圳)机器人与智能制造研究院和深圳市人工智能与机器人研究院。研究团队在徐扬生院士带领下, 承担了大量国家科研计划,在机器人传感、认知、控制、交互、能源等方面取得多项突破,围绕空间机器人、服务机器人、工业机器人、特种机器人、医疗机器人、智能汽车等领域成功研制出30多个机器人和智能系统,研究成果世界领先且具有广阔的应用前景。
团队积极布局海洋机器人系统研发,海洋机器人团队已组建了十余人的核心科研团队,包括教授3人(海外高层次人才)、博士4人、博士生6人、工程师和研究助理3人。目前海洋机器人团队亦拥有众多基础先进实验设备,如水面无人艇,无人帆船miniCat310,大疆无人机M600 PRO,UR5机械臂,KINOVA七轴机械臂,红外三维运动捕捉系统,高精度Sick激光雷达,GPS全球定位系统,GPU超算平台等。依托香港中文大学(深圳)美丽的神仙湖,建设完成无线网联水-空协同无人系统测试平台,形成无人机-无人艇协同,无人艇-无人艇协同,无人艇-无人潜器协同等全自动远程控制海洋机器人集群系统,满足海洋装备及机器人研发的测试需求。
我校理工学院学生梁杰淳的论文 于2019年9月发表在国际学术期刊The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (JPCL)上,并获邀进行在线演讲。
The 2019 Global AI and Robotics Conference,CCF-GAIR, sponsored by CCF, hosted by Leiphone.com and CUHK-Shenzhen, and coached by Shenzhen municipal government, was held in Shenzhen on July 12th.
The 2019 Global AI and Robotics Conference,CCF-GAIR, sponsored by CCF, hosted by Leiphone.com and CUHK-Shenzhen, and co-organized by Shenzhen municipal government, was held in Shenzhen on July 12th. The conference is the top exhibition and communications conference in China for academia, industry and ventures of intelligent robots, and is to present the most powerful platform for cross-domain communications and cooperation of Chinese AI. This year, CCF-GAIR provides a rich stage consisting of 13 sessions, which are Special Sessions on the Frontier of Artificial Intelligence, 40 Years of AI in China, Robot, Intelligent Transportation, 5G & AIoT, AI Chip, AI Finance, Brain-like Computing, Smart City, Smart Business, Smart Education, AI Medical Services, and Smart City • Visual Intelligence.
Professor Xu Yangsheng, the General Chair of this conference, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the President of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, delivered a speech in the conference, emphasizing that the CCF-GAIRG will provide new momentum for the development of academia and the entire society at large.
Recently, several papers from Robotics and AI lab of the School of Science and Engineering were accepted by IEEE ROBIO, of which six papers’ first author, one paper’s coordinate first author are undergraduates from SSE.