Constructor University (Germany)
Brief bio
Dr. Francesco Maurelli is a Professor in Marine Systems and Robotics at Constructor University - formerly Jacobs University Bremen (Germany, EU), where he also serves as Program Chair for the Robotics and Intelligent Systems Program. He has obtained his PhD at the Oceans Systems Lab, Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh, Scotland) with a thesis on intelligent localisation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. He has been Scientific Manager at Technical University of Munich (Germany, EU) where he led European-wide initiatives to support moving robotics technology from the lab to the market. After a research stay at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA, USA), as a Marie Curie Fellow, he has accepted a faculty position in Constructor University. Dr. Maurelli's research interests are focused on persistent autonomy for marine robotics, perception, autonomous navigation, intelligent decision making, sensor data processing and fault management.
The struggle between autonomy and automation: challenges for persistency in the sea