Associate Professor
Purdue University (USA)
Brief bio
Nina Mahmoudian received the Ph.D. degree in aerospace engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Blacksburg, VA, USA, in 2009. She is currently an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering with Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. She was the Lou and Herbert Wacker Associate Professor in Autonomous Mobile Systems with the Department of Mechanical Engineering–Engineering Mechanics, Michigan Technological University (Michigan Tech), Houghton, MI, USA. She is the founding Director of Nonlinear and Autonomous Systems Laboratory. Her research interests include robotics, energy autonomy, system design, dynamics and controls. Dr. Mahmoudian was the recipient of the 2015 National Science Foundation CAREER Award and 2015 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program Award.
Enabling persistent autonomy in marine environment